Senior Sessions

Package A: $500.00 - up to 20 fully edited poses loaded to a USB drive with printing rights

                                   - Can be divided into 2 sessions such as fall and spring (perfect for athletes) 

                                   - $300.00 due at first session and remaining amount at second session

Package B: $300.00 - up to 10 fully edited poses loaded to a USB drive with printing rights

Package C: $150.00 - up to 5 fully edited poses loaded to a USB drive with printing rights

*** We'll do multiple shots of each pose***


Wedding Packages

Package A: 10 hours of coverage $2250.00

Package B: 8 hours of coverage $1800.00

Package C: 6 hours of coverage $1350.00

Package D: 4 hours of coverage $900.00

All edited pictures will be loaded to a USB drive with printing rights. We do require a 10% deposit to hold the date. All wedding packages include a complimentary engagement session.



For pageants, businesses or professionals

$150.00 for a 60 minute session - all edited pictures will be sent via digital download


*Packages can be modified at the discretion of photographers


*For all other sessions please contact us for custom prices and availability.